The Author

Greetings.  I'm Ron, author and creator of The Keeper's Chronicles, a nine-part fantasy series.  I recently published the first book in the series, The Knights of Abaddon.  I am a graduate from the University of Montana-Missoula.  I have a BA in English, and currently hold a Montana state teaching license.

My hobbies and interests are many: writing, fishing, reading, teaching, video-gaming, drumming, architecture, technology, and football.

While I'll likely bring many of these interests of mine into this blog, the primary focus here will be about writing.  I'll share my experiences with the process of story-boarding, writing, drafting, editing, and publishing.  I'll bring in outside sources, stories, and how-to's from more successful authors, both inside and outside the independent scene.  The goal here is to generate meaningful and helpful dialogue about the craft of writing, whether you are published or still clinging to that "aspiring" title.  Ultimately, this blog is intended to encourage fellow writers to be bold in the craft, perhaps breaking down that final barrier and allowing the world a glimpse into our world of words.